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Re: Role Play Thread

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 9:28 am
by (ugly)Bob
Alex: sorry, our friend overreacted

Kenny: overreacted?

Sam: really. chill. out. Kenny. please. do. not. react. more. than. necessary.

Alex: well what do you expect, we're ten. we overreact

Sam: more like he overreacted

Kenny: sorry, you just really get on my nerves

random: Nerve endings!

Kenny: .......nerves

Alex: what? Kyle's right there with Topanga in the corner

Re: Role Play Thread

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 9:30 am
by Zazaban
Yally: *Fully formed.* That's okay. I understand.

Cartman: Heeeey, you're not Kyle. *Notices actual Kyle.* Awwww.

Yates: I'm still arresting someone. *Arrests random black man and leaves.*

Stan: Who still wants to play halo? *Shakes Matthew by the shoulder*

Re: Role Play Thread

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 9:32 am
by (ugly)Bob
Sam: That was racist what you just did!

Alex: and then they all played halo

Sam: .....fine

*they sit and play halo*

Kenny: anyway.... Matthew? are you joining us?

*realizes Matthew looks scared shitless about what just happened*

Re: Role Play Thread

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 9:35 am
by Zazaban
Yally: I think we traumatized Matthew, Kenny.

Matthew: ..... *In monotone.* I'm fine. *Sites down in front of Xbox with the rest.

Stan: ... Uh, okay. *Gives Matthew a controller.* Hey, we can only have four people play at once.

Re: Role Play Thread

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 9:36 am
by (ugly)Bob
*kenny doesn't pick up the controller. just stares at it*

Kenny: ...

Sam: I'll play who ever joins me

*he picks up a controller*

Alex: I'll wait my turn, i haven't played this one

Re: Role Play Thread

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 9:38 am
by Zazaban
*Yally picks up controller.*

Yally: Somebody will have to tell me how to make this go, I really don't know.

Stan: Are you okay Kenny?

*Matthew pokes idly at controller.*

Re: Role Play Thread

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 9:41 am
by (ugly)Bob
*Kenny picks up the controller, starts playing*

Kenny: --yes, i am

Alex: do not know how to play Xbox?

Sam: he's from 1930. You use the buttons on the controller to attack, jump, shoot, activate and move around

Re: Role Play Thread

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 9:43 am
by Zazaban
Matthew: O- okay. *Starts to perk up a little.*

Yally: So it's like the one from yesterday. Okay. but the little stick is smaller, and there's two of them. I see.

Stan: It's pretty simple. *Starts up game.*

(It's quarter to two in the morning, I think I'm running out of juice.)

Re: Role Play Thread

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 9:44 am
by (ugly)Bob
Sam: great! let's start

*he starts playing*

Kenny: why does everything Yally is say have some perverted connotation to it?

((Okay, that was funny, all in all, playing with a cold is possible! XD))

Re: Role Play Thread

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 9:47 am
by Zazaban
(Well, I've done it drunk before.)


Yally: Oooh, I like those aliens, they're colourful and bumpy.

Stan: *Shoots one.*

Yally: And they squirt!

Matthew: How do I look down, I can't stop looking at the sky!

Re: Role Play Thread

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 9:50 am
by (ugly)Bob
*everyone cracks up*

Sam: this is what i get for letting a beginner start on my team....

Alex: You're playing so bad, we may as well be playing Lucy in the sky on the jukebox

*Sam and Kenny shoot aliens*

Kenny: The game gets more coloured when you're high

Alex: where did that come from?

Kenny: one has played when high..


Re: Role Play Thread

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 9:52 am
by Zazaban
Yally: *Licks own slime off of controller.* Hm. I'm getting the hang of it. *Shoots alien.* Yes. *Smiles.*

Stan: Yeah, dude, like that.

*Matthew goes off cliff*

Yally: You played this on drugs, Kenny? How was it? *Lobs bomb by accident.* Ooh! Colourful explosion! *Lobs another, hits Matthew as he re-spawns.*

Matthew: Hey!

Yally: Sorry!

(I should totally go to bed.)

Re: Role Play Thread

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 9:54 am
by (ugly)Bob
Kenny: it was insane!

Sam: Dammit! i lost one of my men! press respawn!

Alex: i believe it's Illogically relocate alive and in one piece

Kenny: or do what i do. reincarnate

*Sam presses respawn on Matthew's controller*

Sam: shoot those alien thingys, Matthew!

*sam shoots the aliens, Kenny shoots aliens*

(Okay, Goodnight and get well!!!)

Re: Role Play Thread

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 9:55 am
by Zazaban
Matthew: O- Okay. *Shoots alien.*

Stan: Yeah, like that!

*Yally gets into warthog, drives around.*

Yally: Wheeeeee.

(Thanks! I probably blew my chances by staying up so late XD But it was worth it! Night!)

Re: Role Play Thread

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 9:57 am
by (ugly)Bob
Kenny: No, i believe it's the boogyman!

*their characters run away from Yally's driving*

Sam: shoot! get on the back of the thingamajig!

Alex: warthog!

Sam: I mean warthog!

*Kenny fires at Yally's character*

Alex: I'm joining them

Sam: yeah, you guys continue

*Alex + Sam goes to sit with Topanga*

Sam: Alex, i think Topanga's still in shock from that stunt!

Alex: so do i!

*Sam leans in, as if trying to listen if she's breathing*

Alex: someone's lost their breath

Sam: she's awe struck! look at those eyes!

*Alex waves a hand over her field of vision*

Sam: Topaaaanga?

Alex: yes, i am clinically calling her dazzled

Sam: dazzled?

Alex: You dazzled her You sweep the girl off her feet, Literally, and now look at her!

*Sam laughs at this*

Sam: Hey Topanga, wanna go again? Are you alive, there?

Alex: Topanga? are you star struck? are you on Earth?

Sam: i think she's on the moon, look how dazed and dazzled she looks!

Alex: i cannot believe you actually swept her off her feet and off to the moon

Sam: the moon part wasn't part of my plan

*they crack up*
