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Which top two secondary South Park kids besides The Boys do you like better?

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 4:56 pm
by FilipoSooa
For the first four seasons, there was a case to be made for Wendy Testaburger and Bebe Stevens as the top two secondary students, because Butters Stotch never really developed in the 1990s as even a fraction of the prominent character he is today since 2001-02, and Clyde Donovan, Token Black, Craig Tucker, Red and Annie Knitts were just merely background characters, although Tweek's debut in Season 2 (1998-99) had to be sort of an immediate impact. Those combinations allowed for Wendy and Bebe to be more prominent secondary characters besides The Boys, with Wendy being the best overall secondary character and Bebe being the best female character.

Meanwhile: Clyde, Craig and Tweek really developed in Season 3 (1999-00) with Clyde/Tweek featured in Tweek vs. Craig, and became a little bit more than background characters. Token became more prominent in Season 4 (mid-to-late 2000) with Cartman's Silly Hate Crime 2000, and Butters would remain underdeveloped until Trey Parker and Matt Stone declared that they liked Butters as their favorite unpopular kid than Philip "Pip" Pirrup, hence Pip's death in 200 or 201.

Come the 2000s decade, we see Butters being finally developed in Season 5 (2001) when he would become a new member of The Boys when Kenny McCormick was written off due to being an underdeveloped prop character who was best known for being killed in almost every episode until Kenny Dies. In Season 6 (2002), Butters did not last long with The Boys because Cartman, Kyle and Stan considered him to be too lame to be Kenny's replacement, so Tweek took his place, and even Bebe was with The Boys for a short time. In the end, Butters surpassed Wendy (who at the time was nothing more than Stan's love interest) and became the most prominent secondary South Park kid, while Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society appeared to make Bebe into a more developed character than Wendy.

But with Jennifer Howell (the actress that plays Bebe) being a part-timer for South Park Studios these days, Wendy took Bebe's place as the most prominent female kid (now with much more development as her Soapbox Liberal Activist Feminist became much more prominent than the early seasons), but Butters remains the best secondary character because of his playfully innocent and gullible nature until the most recent seasons portrayed him as a mean-faced kid. Token eventually took Bebe's place as South Park's second best secondary kid, seeing as Token seems to have more episodes focused on him than Bebe these days.

But anyway, based on the voting poll as I say, to each their own personal individual choices on who's their favorite pairing of the top two secondary kids besides The Boys.